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Chinese medical massage

Illustration of a tuina session

Tuina is the official medical massage of Chinese medicine. It belongs to the external methods of treatment, as do for instance acupuncture, cupping and gua sha.


Literally, tuina means "to push" (Tui) and "to grasp" (Na). In China, it is an integral part of the medical system. It is used in clinics and hospitals, generally in orthopedic and traumatology departments.


It is opposed to An Mo massage, a form of massage for relaxation and well-being.


Tuina is an ancient treatment method. During the second millennium BC, massage developed as a popular technique for preventing and curing disease. It was recognized as a therapeutic technique over 2000 years ago, in medical works of the time. Over the centuries, the practice developed, doctors specializing in tuina appeared, diplomas were issued and specific, codified manipulative techniques were described.


Tuina's principles of action include: promoting circulation in the meridians, regulating organ and visceral functions, promoting joint mobility, relaxing and softening tendons, circulating blood and clearing blood stasis, reducing oedema and soothing pain, removing adhesions and restoring posture.


Tuina is not simply used to treat symptoms, but aims to treat the root of the pathology, in line with the general approach of Chinese medicine.


As a gentle, non-invasive method, tuina is ideally suited to treating children.

Tuina is particularly indicated in the following cases:



(sprains, wounds, lesions)

Gynecological disorders

Digestive conditions

Pediatric diseases

Degenerative conditions

Neurological disorders

Emotional disorders

Autoimmune diseases

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